Early full/partial repayment of a loan/credit facility

Please be advised that the Borrower is entitled to make an early repayment of a mortgage loan/mortgage facility in part or in full.

1. Overpayment of a mortgage loan/mortgage facility – by submitting an instruction

Note: If you wish to overpay a mortgage loan/mortgage facility, submit an overpayment instruction. Then the overpayment will be settled according to your expectations.

Ways to make an overpayment by submitting an instruction:

  1. Making a transfer to the account number of the loan/facility displayed in Citibank Online and submitting an instruction to repay the loan/facility at an earlier date.
  2. Submitting an instruction to debit the bank account maintained by the Bank at least 3 business days prior to the planned repayment of the loan/facility.

The instruction to make an early repayment/instruction to debit the bank account may be submitted via:

  • an active PDF form; for easy submission of the instruction follow the steps below:
    1. download the form in .pdf
    2. complete the required fields in the table
    3. log in to Citibank Online,
    4. Click “Contact” (envelope in the top right-hand corner),
    5. Click the section: “Compose a new message”,
    6. In the section “Select a subject”, check: Instructions,
    7. Choose the subject category: Credit Products,
    8. Choose the subject category: Overpayment re-booking,
    9. In the message window, paste the text generated in the PDF form without changing its contents.
  • Citibank Online online banking platform:
    1. log in to Citibank Online,
    2. Click “Contact” (envelope in the top right-hand corner),
    3. Click the section: “Compose a new message”,
    4. In the section “Select a subject”, check: Instructions,
    5. Choose the subject category: Credit Products,
    6. Choose the subject category: Overpayment re-booking,
    7. Enter the text concerning overpayment, including all the items necessary for an overpayment instruction, as per the instruction below.
  • Citiphone bank hotline:
  • written notice delivered to the Bank by mail or delivered by hand to the Bank’s branch office.

In the instruction to make an early repayment/instruction to debit the bank account, please indicate:

  • the overpayment amount,
  • bank account number to be debited,
  • instruction execution date.
  • method of application of early repayment, e.g. whether it should be applied to repay the principal of the mortgage loan/mortgage facility, or the nearest installment.

The instruction to re-book funds paid by the borrower themselves to the Loan/Facility account in order to overpay the loan/facility may be submitted via:

Citibank Online – by entering the instruction in words, or by using the Active PDF form, for easier submission of the instruction:

  1. download the form in .pdf
  2. complete the required fields in the table
  3. log in to Citibank Online,
  4. Click “Contact” (envelope in the top right-hand corner),
  5. Click the section: “Compose a new message”,
  6. In the section “Select a subject”, check: Instructions,
  7. Choose the subject category: Credit Products,
  8. Choose the subject category: Overpayment re-booking,
  9. In the message window, paste the text generated in the PDF form without changing its contents.

An instruction to overpay the principal in a given month does not release the borrower from paying the installment due in a given interest period. Such installment is due and payable in the usual amount; what changes is the amount of the principal and interest amount within the installment starting from the day of overpayment.

2. Overpayment of a mortgage loan/mortgage facility – without submitting an instruction

In the event of OVERPAYMENT OF A MORTGAGE LOAN/MORTGAGE FACILITY – WITHOUT SUBMITTING AN INSTRUCTION by making a transfer to the Loan/Facility account number displayed in Citibank Online, regardless of the transfer title entered, the funds will be used to repay the loan/facility in the order resulting from the loan/facility agreement.

For example, under the provisions of the agreement of 12/01/2024, if the Borrower fails to submit an instruction to make an early repayment of the Loan/Facility, the overpayment will be used to repay the Loan/Facility in the following order:

  1. fees and commissions due,
  2. interest on overdue amounts receivable,
  3. contractual interest accrued in the current interest period – from the payment date of the previous installment to the day preceding the day of early repayment,
  4. repayment of the principal installment in the current interest period,
  5. Loan/Facility principal.

3. Reduction of the lending period following overpayment of the loan/facility

  • Overpayment itself does not reduce the lending period.
  • Reduction of the lending period is a separate activity.
  • Reduction of the lending period is only possible at the Borrower's request and upon the Bank’s consent, and requires signing an annex to the Agreement.