Ear Citi Miles and exchange for prizes
For every PLN 5 spend, you earn 1 Citi Mile
You can exchange collected Citi Miles for prizes
As a welcome gift, you will receive 2000 Citi Miles
PremierMiles calculator
Monthly expenses
Discover the benefits of the PremierMiles Credit Card
How to apply for credit card in 3 simple steps?

Apply for credit card
Take the opportunity to apply for a credit card by yourself, just clicking the button below, or choose one of the special offers. Remember to provide income documents - more information on this can be found in the Terms&Conditions.
Make a selfie
You will verify your identity by taking a photo of your ID card and a photo of your face.
You will receive the card by post
If we positively assess your creditworthiness, we will send you the card by post along with activation instructions.
City | Address | Telephone |
Warszawa | Wołoska 12 (Mokotów) | 691626230 |
Warszawa | Al. Jerozolimskie 179 (Blue City) | 603560031 |
Warszawa | al. Jana Pawła II 82 (Arkadia) | 605562013 |
Warszawa | Senatorska 16 | 607670034 |
Kraków | Podgórska 34 (Galeria Kazimierz) | 693565607 |
Wrocław | Legnicka 58 (Magnolia) | 724204934 |
Poznań | St.Matyi 2 (CH Avenida) | 693891003 |
Gdynia | Kazimierza Górskiego 2 (Riviera) | 603889254 |
Katowice | Chorzowska 107 (Silesia) | 722220962 |
Additional information
Minimum requirements to apply for a credit card
Natural person
- Age - 18 years old or above
- Age - 18 years old or aboveMonthly net income - PLN 1200 min
- Length of service at the current company - min. 3 months
Economic activity
- Age - 18 years old or above
- Monthly net income - PLN 2500 min
- Self – employment - min. 2 years
Granting a Credit Card depends on a positive assessment of creditworthiness by Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Representative example
Legal informations
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. Terms and conditions of the offer, Terms and conditions of Credit Cards and table of fees and commissions are available in the "Documents" tab.
Discounts and surprises at the Citi Specials benefits program apply to payments with Citibank cards. Detailed information about the Mastercard® Priceless® Specials program is available in the Priceless Specials Terms&Conditions available at www.mastercard.pl/specials.
Paylite is a service available to Citibank Credit Card holders.
Citi Handlowy and the Citi logo are registered trademarks of Citigroup Inc. group entities.